Well, we have almost made it to the end of another year.  Thank you for all of your help and support at all of our events throughout the year.  Hopefully we will see you at 1 or both of our final events next Sunday.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year!!  
On Sunday morning, Dec. 8th, we will be providing, cooking and serving our 4th annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa at the St. Francis of Assisi gym following the 8 & 10 AM Masses.  Hopefully, you signed up to help at last week's meeting, but if not, just show up between 7:30 AM thru Noon to pitch in.  All proceeds go to the St. Francis PTO.  
On Sunday evening, Dec. 8th, we will be holding our annual Council Christmas party at Gilmour Hall.  The doors will open at 5 PM with dinner around 6 PM.  You should have received an invitation in the mail and hopefully made your reservations already.  If not, you can try and give GK White a call at 440-473-9574 to see if he can squeeze you in.
Try to attend our final meeting of 2019,  next Tuesday, Dec. 10th.  We have been having good showings, but we still have not been able to give away the attendance prize.  It will be up to $190, that would be a great Christmas present for someone.  Hope to see you there.  Our next regular meeting will be on Jan. 14, 2020.                                                  
Next week,  Dec. 9th thru 12th, the VA will be holding their annual Christmas Gift Shop. We usually go down and help sort and deliver gifts to the patients' rooms.  It will start around 9 AM each day, if you have any questions, ask Bro. Norm Klein. We will also be serving coffee & donuts for the veterans on Christmas morning, Dec. 25th,  following the 9 AM  Mass and then again on Sunday, Dec. 29th, following both the Catholic & Protestant services.  Please help at 1 or more of these functions to help our veterans have a happier holiday.

The Greater Cleveland Chapter is planning for next month's Clergy Night dinner.  It will be held on Friday evening, Jan. 31st.  If you know any clergy you would like to invite,  ASK  THEM  NOW!!  Their schedules fill up fast and they will get shut out.  The Council will pay for any Clergy you invite, but it will cost you $25 for the evening.  It will start with Mass at 5:30 PM in the Borromeo chapel with dinner to follow.
It is almost that time of year again for our annual Free Throw competition at our 3 church schools.  We don't have the specific schedule yet, but it will be the last week of January, during Catholic Schools week.  St. Clare  &  St. Francis are usually only in the morning, but St. Paschal usually lasts all day.  Some of our regular volunteers are no longer with us, so please check your schedules and help out when you can.  It is not hard work, mostly keeping score.  It is always a great time with the kids.

There will be much more about this soon, but right now just mark your calendar for our Gilmour Reverse Raffle which will be returning on February 29, 2020.  We used to hold this regularly many years ago, so hopefully we can bring back a great tradition.  Watch for upcoming ticket information.
We lost a very active and long-time member this past month.  Bro. Charles "Chuck" Lentini was a 56-year member and held many different officer positions during his career. Please keep him, his wife Terry and the rest of his family in your prayers. May he rest in peace! 
On a happier note, we did pick up 2 new members at our 1st & 2nd Degree on Nov. 19th. They were Mike Filippo from Holy Rosary and Nick Sarcone from St. Clare. Give them a warm welcome when you see them.  Our next 1st & 2nd Degree ceremony will be on Jan. 21st, so if you have potential candidates, get their forms in.

We have 19 birthdays to celebrate this month.  First and foremost is  JESUS  -- remember to KEEP  CHRIST  IN  CHRISTMAS!  Wish the others well when you see them. They include: Bob Agresta; Frank Cacciacarro; Rev. James Caddy; Joe Cooney; Carl Erney; Dominic Frisina; Kevin Grobelny (#50); Dr. Jerry Hayes; Stan Kosilesky; Ted Krause; Aaron Kurth; Santo Loparo (#98); Dan McGuigan; Tom Montagno; Tony Negrelli (#95); Jim Richardson; PGK George Rolfe and Phil Zellhofer.
Have a Joyous & Peaceful Christmas!
Dr. Carmen Centanni - News Reporter GK Shaun White - Publisher  


DEATH AND SICKNESS NOTICES:                                      Notify Worthy Lecturer:  SK. Thomas Todt (440) 799-0986

We have 2 big, open events next week for families and friends.  Hope to see you all there.             COUNCIL  MEMORIAL  MASS On Tuesday, Nov. 12th,  we will be holding our annual Council Memorial Mass at7:30 PM in our Gilmour Hall.  Our Chaplain, Fr. James Caddy, will be celebrating theMass for the brother knights we lost this past year.  They include:  SK Angelo Basconi;Dominic Biello;  Phillip Bova;  SK Frank DiFranco;  SK Frank Fiorilli;  Paul Greve;  SK RonKobunski;  SK Geno O. Manfredi, PGK;  SK Thomas Novak;  SK Anthony Petrarca  andNick Simone.   This Mass is open to anyone, so if you know any family or friends of these brother knights, please invite them to attend. GUYS'  KNIGHT  OUT You should have received the flyer for "Guys' Knight Out" which will be held on Thursday night,  Nov. 14th.  The doors will open at 7 PM with the Browns/Steelers game starting around 8:15 PM.  This is a STAG event, MEN ONLY, but if you have any friends and/or potential members, please bring them along to show what the Knights have to offer.  There will be tail-gating food, cash bar, $5 game squares and 50/50 raffle.  Please come and cheer on the Browns. CONGRATULATIONS At the last meeting we had a special election to fill a vacancy at the Outside Guard position created by the relocation of Bro. Carl Joyce.  Nominations were opened and Bro. Chuck Bonacci, Sr. was nominated and accepted.  With no other nominees, a motion was made to close the nominations and a unanimous ballot cast for Chuck.  The motion passed and Chuck was elected.  We want to thank Bro. Carl for his service and wish him the best in the future and hope he stays as active as possible. BREAKFAST  WITH  SANTAOn Sunday morning, Dec. 8th, we will be holding our 3rd annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa at St. Francis of Assisi's gym. We will be setting up and cooking from about7 AM to be ready to serve from 8:30 till Noon.  We need much help for this event, soplease plan on coming for whatever time you can spare, it is always a lot of fun. COUNCIL  CHRISTMAS  PARTY Then on that Sunday evening, Dec. 8th, we will be holding our annual Council Christmas party at Sherwin-Gilmour Party Center.  This event is open to everyone, especially families and friends.  Doors will open around 5 PM with dinner around 6.Santa will also be making a stop for the kids.  All of the details have not been finalized, so more information will follow, but mark the date. "MARCH  FOR  LIFE" Anyone who is interested in going to the 2020 "March for Life" in Washington, DC, to be held on Jan. 24th, should contact our Culture of Life chairman, Dr. Bob Hostoffer, for information regarding various trip alternatives.NOVEMBER  BIRTHDAYS We have 26 Thanksgiving babies, so wish them well when you see them this month.   They include: Ed Bencin; Rev. Paul Bernier; SamBrancifort; Dave Bundus; Ben Capretta; Domenick DiFranco(#70);TonyDiStaulo; Wallace Effinger(#75); MarioFioritto, Jr.; Chris Harrell;JoeHerrera; Alex Hostoffer; Norm Klein; Remo Marotta;Rev. Tony Marshall; Aaron Mattioli;Mark Mitra;Gerald Parrino;Frank Pasquarillo(#93);Biagio Pistone; Bob Radford; Chris “Rudy' Charles Sims;Dave Tress;MikeWidina(#50) and Bob Zaletel. Wishing everyone a Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving!! Dr. Carmen Centanni, PGK - News Reporter and GK Shaun White - Publisher 


Sorry for the delay in getting this month's newsletter out, but we have been very busy  and there is still more to come as listed below.  FOOTBALL  CRAZR.  This Tuesday's meeting is the FINAL turn in for your "Football Crazr" tickets.  Money and stubs need to be given to FS Marvaldi by Oct. 8th, so he can get them processed and submitted to the State. GILMOUR  BOARD.  The Gilmour Board held their organizational meeting last month with their new members to choose the 2019-2020 officers.  There was a slight shift, but the  following officers were elected unanimously for the new year.  They were: President Frank Hlad;  Vice Pres. George Rolfe;  Treasurer Jim Steinhoff  and Secretary Carmen Centanni.  Their main items of business are to finally fix the roof and finalize our new lease with our caterer.  CONGRATULATIONS.  We want to send out our congratulations to our "Youth of the Year" who was presented at our last meeting.  She is Sarah Azzi, a parishioner of St. Paschal and current student at NDCL.  She is very active in church and school activities and well deserving of this honor.     ROSARY  RALLY.  This Saturday, Oct. 12th, we will be holding our semi-annual Rosary Rally for Fatima at the Mayfield Village gazebo at Noon.  Everyone is welcome, so invite anyone you wish and be sure to wear your Council shirts.    COLUMBUS  DAY  PARADE.  Next Monday, Oct. 14th, we will be marching in the annual Columbus Day parade in Little Italy.  The day will start with Mass at 10 AM at Holy Rosary, then a wreath ceremony at the Columbus statue followed by the parade.  We will be marching, in OUR Council shirts, with the Fatima group.  CHAPTER  EVENTS.  This Thursday, Oct. 10th, is the monthly Lunch Club luncheon at Fuji's Buffet at Snow & Broadview from 11:30 till 1:30.  Cost is $11 for all-you-can-eat & drink.  Everyone is welcome and any clergy are free. On Friday, Oct. 25th, the Chapter will be holding their annual Columbus Day dinner honoring the Past President, Paul Mathieson, and this year's "Knight of the Year" Marty  Huberty, PGK, PFN, PCP.  It will be held at Garfield Hts. Council hall and the cost is $25 per person.  Contact current President, Shaun White, for reservations. THANK  YOU.  A big THANK  YOU to everyone who helped and/or attended all of our Council events over the past few weeks.  Our Clam & Corn booth at Lyndhurst Home Days sold out. We had a large showing at our 1st & 2nd Degree, including our newest member, Bruce Dougherty from St. Clare.  Finally, our Clambake was a huge success, with both seatings well attended and everyone seemed to have a great time, especially with the Browns' victory. SAVE  THE  DATES.  We have 3 big upcoming dates to mark down and more information will be coming. The first is "Guys Knight Out" on Thursday, Nov. 14th, for the Browns vs Steelers game.  This is a STAG event for members and potential members.  The second is Sunday, Dec. 8th, when we have 2 events.  In the morning, we will hold the St. Francis Pancake Breakfast with Santa from 8 to 11 AM.  Then in the evening, we will have our Council Christmas party.  This is open to all families and friends to enjoy.  The third is the Reverse Raffle on Saturday, February 29th. You get an extra day next year—spend part of it with us!  Doors open 6PM.  Dinner at 7PM.  $3000 in prizes.   Details to follow.  Armand Polsinelli and Frank Hlad, chairmen.                                      HALLOWEEN  BIRTHDAYS.  We have 22 brothers celebrating their spooky birthdays this month, wish them well when you see them.  They include: Carmen Arrigo (#92); Tony Bailey; Brian Brooks; Paul Colosi; Greg Costabile; Mike D'Amico; Rocco DiLillo (#90); Joe Frank; John Frato; Geoff Harris; Mike Jiannetti (#65); Dan Kaplan; John Leber; Kyle Lombardi; Bill March; FS Bill Marvaldi; John Mascia; Nick Previte; Rev. Thomas Sweany; PGK Bob Turocy; Harold White (#97) and Joe Yakli. DEATH AND SICKNESS NOTICES:  Worthy Lecturer: S.K. Thomas E. Todt (440) 799-0986 Happy Halloween!!  PGK Dr. Carmen Centanni - News Reporter GK Shaun White - Publisher


Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend, as we all said goodbye to summer and hello to Fall.  Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts and plan on attending all of our fun events coming up in the next few weeks.                                                NEW  BOARD  MEMBERS  At our last meeting on August 27th, we held the final round of nominations and elections for the Gilmour, Inc. Board of Directors.  We only had 3 nominees for the 3 positions, so a motion was made to close the nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Bill Marvaldi, Mike Marvaldi and Tom Nemeth.  The motion carried and the election was closed for this year.  Congratulations to the new, 3-year members.                                                 LYNDHURST  HOME  DAYS  This weekend, Sept. 6th thru 8th, we will be manning the Gilmour #310 "Clams, Corn and Clam/Corn Chowder" booth at the Lyndhurst Home Days celebration.  Thursday evening will be set up behind the Lyndhurst City Hall from 6 - 8 PM. Then we will need several shifts of Knights on Friday, Saturday & Sunday to help cook, sell and clean up. The weather is supposed to be good, so come out and help.                                                         COUNCIL  PICNIC  On Sunday, Sept. 15th, we will be holding our 6th annual Council picnic at the Mayfield Hts. Park pavilion from 1 to 4 PM (SEE  ATTACHED  FLIER).  This is a fun event for the entire family.  The Council will provide hamburgers, hot dogs & chicken sandwiches and soft drinks.  We only ask you to bring a side dish or dessert to share.  If you plan on coming, let GK Shaun or DGK Tom know at next week's meeting.                                                       1st  &  2nd  DEGREES  On Tuesday, Sept. 17th, we will hold another 1st & 2nd Degree ceremony in our hall. Candidate call will be 6:30 PM with the degrees to begin at 7 PM.  If you know of any potential Catholic gentlemen, who would make worthy brother knights, get them to fill out a Form 100 and turn it in ASAP.  GILMOUR  CLAMBAKE  Our biggest potential fundraiser is coming up on Sunday, Sept. 29th.  It is our 7th Annual Council Clambake.  We will have 2 dinner seatings at 2 PM and 5:30 PM. Look at the attached flier for the various dinner choices and everything that comes with them.  Only PREPAID reservations will be accepted and the deadline for booking is Sept. 21st.  This event is open to everyone (Knights, families, friends or strangers), the more the merrier.  Get your PAID reservations to GK Shaun before Sept. 21st.                                                FOOTBALL  CRAZR  TICKETS  We are still selling the 2019 Football Crazr tickets at $20 apiece.  They cover the last 10 weeks of the NFL season and are only based on total points, highest & lowest, NOT wins or losses.  If you still need some, call FS Bill Marvaldi at 216-3080626.  The more we sell as a Council, the bigger rebate we can receive.  All ticket stubs and money MUST be turned in by our Oct. 8th meeting.                                               THANKS  FOR  THE  SUPPORT  We want to thank all the brother Knights and their families that showed up to help at the St. Paschal Baylon picnic and the Special Education Mass & Breakfast at Lourdes' Shrine.  The weather was beautiful both days and we had a great showing of  Knights to split the work and make an impressive group at the Shrine, even without regalia. Keep up the good work!! OTHER  ACTIVITIES  Sept. 14th –   Moses Cleaveland Assembly will hold its annual Summer Formal                                                                   at Garfield Hts. Council Hall. Doors open at 6 PM with dinner                                                                                                                           about 7 PM. Cost is $25 per person. Sept. 29th -  Our usual 5th Sunday "Coffee & Donuts" with the veterans at the    Wade                      Park VA Hospital. We will set up about 8:30 AM and serve after the                      Catholic & Protestant services.  We should be finished by Noon. Oct. 12th -   Our semi-annual Fatima Rosary Rally at the Mayfield Village gazebo at                      Noon. We won't have a 4th Degree turnout, so wear your Council shirts. Oct. 14th-     The Columbus Day parade in Little Italy. The Cleveland City Council                      kept it alive, so let’s show our support by showing up in our Council                      shirts again to walk behind the Fatima Statue              GOOD  OF  THE  ORDER  On a happy note, we want to send congratulations out to 2 "young-at-heart" couples on their wedding anniversaries. They are PGK Ted & Alicia Orel celebrating #72 on Sept. 27th and Bro. Chuck & Terry Lentini celebrating #62 the next day on Sept. 28th.  Now on a sad note, we lost 2 brothers recently and their wakes & funerals were at exactly the same times, so we did the best we could to honor both of them.  They were both 4th Degree Sir Knights and were as active as they could be.  They were: SK Bro. Frank Fiorilli who still lived down in Little Italy and originally joined the Knights in 1947 and he recently celebrated his 94th birthday;  SK Bro. Tom Novak who joined 8 years ago and was very active until family obligations took precedence.  Please keep them and their families in your prayers.   SEPTEMBER  BIRTHDAYS  This month we have 22 Fall babies (18 Virgos & 4 Libras), wish them well when you see them. They include: Vince Carozza; PGK Dr. Carmen Centanni (#65); Robert DeJohn; Mike Farinacci; Ron Grobelny; Martin Horvath, Sr.; Don Lisy; Matt Margevicius; Bill Marimpietri; Joe Mascia; Sam Mercurio; Rev. Leonard Obloy; Rick Reichenbach (#85);  Bill Scaminace (#97);  Ed Stupka;  Charles Talbort, Jr.;  Dragi Talevski (#80); Jim Trigilio (#65); Al Valenti (#97); Dominic Vitale (#80); DGK Tom Wieland and Rev. Thomas Wiese.  See you at the Clambake! PGK Carmen Centanni - News Reporter GK Shaun  White - Publisher


Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and the little break from Knights of Columbus activities.  Hope you have rested up for all the events coming up in the Fall.  GILMOUR  BOARD  ELECTIONS  We held the first round of nominations for the Gilmour, Inc. Board of Directors for the coming year.  For the newer members, the Board manages and maintains the Sherwin-Gilmour building that we own and meet in.  Every year 3 positions are up for election for 3-year terms.  Any 3rd Degree member in good standing is eligible to run for one of the positions.  The member can hold 2 consecutive 3 year terms before he MUST sit out for at least 1 year.  The members coming off the Board this year include Norm Klein,  Mike Marvaldi and Tom Nemeth.  This was Bro. Norm's 2nd term, so he cannot run this year.  We want to thank Norm for his last 6 years of service to the Board.  At our last meeting, the following brothers were nominated for the 3 positions.  They included Mike Marvaldi,  William Marvaldi and Tom Nemeth.  We will have 2 more rounds of nominations at our August meetings, with elections to follow on Aug. 27th. ST.  PASCHAL'S  PICNIC  On Sunday, Aug. 18th, we will be cooking a picnic lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs for the parishioners of St. Paschal following their Noon mass in the Highland Hts. park.  We will start setting up about 11 AM in the park to get everything ready.  Everyone is welcome and be sure to wear your K of C shirts to attract any potential new members. SPIRITUAL  RETREAT  The next night, Monday, Aug. 19th, we will be holding a men's retreat at 6 PM for any members who wish to attend at the Jesuit retreat house at 5629 State Road in Parma. There will be more information and a sign up sheet at our next meeting on Aug. 13th.  SPECIAL  EDUCATION  MASS  On Sunday, Aug. 25th, we will be holding our annual Mass & Breakfast for the Special Education students and their families at Lourdes' Shrine in Euclid.  The mass starts at 9:30 AM, so please try to show up around 9 AM.  We will NOT have a 4th Degree turnout this year, but if everyone can wear their council shirts, we will try to show a united front. We then treat the students to breakfast in the cafeteria after Mass.  This is always a nice event for the entire family, so hope to see you all there. SAVE  THESE  UPCOMING  DATES We have a busy day on Sunday, Sept. 29th.  We start down at the VA Hospital in Wade Park for our usual "5th Sunday" coffee & donuts for the veterans and their families.  We set up about 8:30 AM and then serve after the Catholic mass at 9 AM and again after the Protestant service at 10:30 AM.  We are usually finished around Noon.  Then that afternoon & evening we will be holding our Annual Clambake.  This event is open to all family, friends and potential members.  More information will be coming out, but there are usually 2 dinner seatings, so we need much help throughout the day preparing, serving and cleaning up, so help where and when you can.  Another date to mark down is Saturday, Oct.12th, for our semi-annual Rosary Rally for Fatima at the Mayfield Village gazebo at Noon.  Again, this event is open to everyone, so spread the word to your friends and fellow parishioners.                                                      MEMBERSHIP We want to welcome our 2 newest members, who joined at our 1st & 2nd Degree last month.  They are Matt Margevicius from St. Paschal Baylon and Aaron Mattiolo from Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Please make them feel at home when you see them at meetings. Speaking of meetings, everyone should be attending since the "Attendance Prize" is still rising and will be at $155 at our next meeting.  YOU  NEED  TO  BE  THERE  TO  WIN!!  FOOTBALL  CRAZER  TICKETS  The 2019 football Crazer tickets are available for sale & distribution.  They are $20 per ticket for at least the final 10 weeks of the football season.  The more tickets we sell, the more of a rebate we can get from the State Council.  Therefore, if you need any tickets for yourself or know someone else who may want to buy or sell some, contact: FS Bill Marvaldi at a meeting or call 216-308-0626. AUGUST  BIRTHDAYS We have 20 brother celebrating birthdays this month, please wish them well when you see them. They include: Frank Alesci; Don Bartlett (#93);  Mike Covelli; John Cregan;Tony DeFranco (#94); Rob Gilson; Rick Gisondo; Dr. Bob Hostoffer (#60); Perry Katzenstein; Bob Lane (#90);  John Mugnano; Dave O'Deens; Ed Pishkula; Joe Pullella; Frank Rossi (#90);  PGK Jim Steinhoff;  Tullio Tuiach (#93); Tony Van Dyke; Bill Vencl  and  Mike Wagner (#70). Have a Blessed Feast of the Assumption. Dr. Carmen Centanni - Reporter GK Shaun White - Publisher


Wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July, hopefully you won't melt in the heat and humidity.  Before you know it, we will have the rakes and shovels out again!  NEW 2019 - 2020 OFFICERS  We held our final round of nominations and elections, as needed. at our regular meeting on June 11th.  The winners were as follows:   GRAND KNIGHT – Shaun White, DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT - Tom Wieland, CHANCELLOR - Tom Nemeth, Sr., RECORDING SECRETARY - Norman Klein, TREASURER - Frank Hlad, ADVOCATE - Ben Capretta, WARDEN - Domenic Fragomeni, ASSISTANT WARDENS - Tony Bailey and Robert Dew, INSIDE GUARD - Frank DeFlorio, GUARDS – Carl Joyce and Kevin Pellini, 3 YEAR TRUSTEE - Sam Brancifort  Congratulations to all the new and returning officers on their election.  Wishing everyone a great year.  The installation of officers was held on June 25th with a Mass celebrated by our Chaplain, Fr. James Caddy.  We want to thank him for his many years of continued support of Gilmour Council and the Knights of Columbus in general.  RAINBOW CAMP OUTING On Friday, July 12th, the Greater Cleveland Chapter will be holding its annual "Rainbow Camp" outing at St. Augustine Church for their "special" children. It is a fun day with games, food and activities.  Everyone is welcome to attend, we will carpool from Gilmour hall about 9 AM and return around 3 PM.  If you are interested in going, let GK White know at the next meeting or call him at 440-4739574.  1st & 2nd DEGREE  We are starting the new year off on a positive note.  We should have made all our requirements for our THIRD "Star" Council award in a row.  We did not wait until the last minute this year, so we are starting out the new fraternal year with a 1st & 2nd Degree on July 16th to initiate our backlog of Form 100s from our church festivals. Please come, if you are able, to support and welcome our new members or if you have not advanced to the 2nd Degree yet, come and take it yourself. SAVE THE DATE  We have a couple dates in August to plan ahead for.  On Sunday, Aug. 18th, we will be cooking for the St. Paschal picnic in Highland Hts. park after their Noon mass. Also, on Aug. 25th we will be holding our annual Mass and Breakfast for the Special Education students at Lourdes' Shrine.  We will attend the 9:30 AM Mass with breakfast to follow in the cafeteria. As of now, there will NOT be a 4th Degree turnout due to the change in regalia.  We also want to thank everyone who helped set-up, cook or serve the kids and their families at our Kinkopf picnic on June 25th. A great time was had by all. GOOD OF THE ORDER Unfortunately, we lost 2 members this past month.  They both had been suffering from health issues lately, so they had not been active recently, but when they were able, they had been very active.  They were Dominic Biello, a 24-year member and Ron Kobunski, a 13-year member.  Please keep them and their families in your prayers.  JULY BIRTHDAYS  We have 28 brothers celebrating birthdays this month, please wish them well when you see them.  They include: Tony Campanella; Dominic Coletta; Ron Cudnik (#85); John DiFranco (#85); Frank Fiorilli (#94); Mario Formichelli (#80); Joe Frank; Steve Gueli; Tom Juratovac (#80); Mike Laffey; Mark Leopold; Larry Maksymowicz (#70); Mike Marvaldi; PGK George Metz; Tom Nemeth, Sr.; Jim Onorato; Frank Palmisano; Kevin Pellini (#65); John Petrocci (#91); Armand Polsinelli; Rich Rakovan; Sal Sberna (#65); Tom Todt; John Trigilio; Ken Urda; Ed Voyles, Jr. (#60); Ken Wolenski and Mike Zernic.  Stay cool and have a great 4th! Dr. Carmen Centanni, PGK News Reporter   


Happy first month of summer, hope the weather starts to cooperate!  We want to thank everyone who has (or will) volunteered, attended or helped out at any of our parish festivals over the last few weeks.  In spite of changeable weather, a good time was had by all.  

2019 - 2020 ELECTIONS  

We have held the first 2 rounds of nominations for our new Council officers.  We will hold the final nominations and elections at our regular meeting on June 11th.  As usual, any 3rd Degree brother knight, in good standing, is eligible to run for any office.  

After the first 2 rounds, the current nominees are as follows:  Grand Knight - Shaun White;  Deputy Grand Knight - Tom Wieland;  Chancellor - Tom Nemeth;  Recording Secretary - Norm Klein;  Treasurer - Frank Hlad;  Advocate - Ben Capretta;  Warden - Domenic Fragomeni;  Asst. Wardens - Tony Bailey, Bob Dew & Chuck Lentini;  Inside Guard - Frank DeFlorio;  Outside Guards - Wally Effinger, Carl Joyce & Kevin Pellini; 3 YR Trustee - Sam Brancifort.  Hope to see you there to nominate and/or vote for your favorite candidate.  


We have been asked to help in a flag retirement ceremony on June 15th at 1 PM at Calvery Cemetery.  Bro. Knight Bob DeJohn is organizing this ceremony and needs help from any knight who can help for readings and helping prepare the flags for disposal.  He has also requested a 4th Degree turnout to respect the process.  If you can help or have any questions, call Bob DeJohn at 216-310-0183.  


Nine Gilmour knights helped the Boy Scout Troop from St Clare Church adorned the graves of veterans with flags on May 25th.


As I said last month, we had 5 new members at our April degrees and we got another 5 new members at our May degrees.  Please welcome these new brothers when you see them, they include:  Anthony Corrao from St. Francis;  Joseph Filippo from Holy Rosary;  Neil Gavin from St. Francis;  Jeffery Gross from St. Clare;  Jack Guritza from St. Clare;  Edward Hollinshead from St. Paschal;  John Kolenc from St. Bede;  Julio Lemus from St. Clare;  Steven Pryatel from St. Francis and Glenn Testen from St. Clare.


We want to congratulate our winners for this year's Council "Tuition Aid" drawing. Every year the Council offers 3 - $500 tuition aid checks for any member who has a child or grandchild in 1 of our 3 parishes.  Anyone can apply and the winner is chosen on a random draw from the applicants from each parish.  This year's winners were: Jeff Raynor from Corpus Christi, Carl Joyce from St. Francis of Assisi and Ed Dulzer from St. Paschal Baylon.  


On May 19th, about 100 attendees enjoyed our 121st Anniversary dinner party.  We had a number of honorees that were announced that evening.  They included:  Knight of the Year - SK Tom Nemeth;  Clergy of the Year - Fr. Stanley Klasinski;  Family of the Year - Dr. Bob & Karen Hostoffer;  Blue Coat of the Year - Fireman Bob Lewis and  Lifetime Achievement - 100 year old, SK James Malatesta.  We also had 50 year members: Frank Fiorilli, Robert Lane, William Marimpietri and Frank Rossi; and 25 year members: Greg Costabile, Mario Formichelli and Robert Zaletel.  Congratulations to everyone.  


We want to thank everyone who stepped up to help collect for our annual Measure-Up campaign last month.  Unfortunately, we did all 3 parishes on the same weekend, May  4th & 5th, which spread us a little thin.  Our thanks to the following brothers who helped at 1 or more Masses.  They included:  GK Shaun White; DGK Tom Wieland; PGK Carmen Centanni; PGK George Rolfe; PGK Jim Steinhoff; PGK Bob Turocy; Chuck Bonacci; Joe Cooney; Frank DeFlorio; Bruce Dougherty; Ed Dulzer; Domenic Fragomeni; Dominic Frisina; Carl Joyce; Tom Juratovac; Norm Klein; Bill Marvaldi; Tom Novak; Dave O'Deens; John Selvaggio; Tom Todt; Bernie Wiederwohl and Mike Zernic.  


Our attendance prize has been rising again, since the chosen winners were not present at their respective meeting.  At our June 11th meeting, the prize will be $140, so it really could pay to come to the meeting.  

Even though we got 10 new members, we did loss 2 long time members this month. They were Nick Simone, a 40 year member, who was our Warden for many years. We also lost SK Tony Petrarca, a 48 year knight and 21 year Sir Knight, he was our Fraternal chairman and rarely missed a 4th Degree turnout when he was able.  They both would have had their 92nd birthdays this month.  Please keep them and their families in your prayers.   

We also lost Karen Carcioppolo, the daughter of Tom & Olivetta Todt, our current Fraternal Chairman.  Please keep Karen and her family in your prayers.                                                    


On Tuesday, June 25, 2019 Gilmour Council #310 will be holding its Annual Picnic for the Special Need Children. The event will be held at the Mayfield Hts. Park in the pavilion by the tennis courts. We will start setting up at 3:30 PM. This is a very special event for the children and their families. I hope you will be able to join us.  


We have 34 brothers celebrating birthdays this month.  They include: Tony Alesci, Jr.; Bruce Balzano; Frank Bucceri; Justin Cooney; Frank DeFlorio; Nick DiBlatto; John DiSabato; Tony DiVita; Ross Federico (#65); Roger Fiorelli; Marc Gonzales; Tom Gritz; Zach Hostoffer; Bob Hovanes; Joe Hrehov; Rev. John Kamas; Frank Kaminski (#91); Dennis Kaplan; Ryan Kaplan; Jason Kolenc; John Kolinovsky; Ken Lange; Bob Mayer; Patrick Ochoa; Mike Paoletto; John Plucinsky (#92); Les Proctor; Gino Puletti; Paul Rodak; Joe Soukenik (#85); Paul Trigilio (#92); Mike Videmsek; Bob Yankovic and John Zeitler. 

 Have a Happy 4th of July!  

Dr. Carmen Centanni, PGK News Reporter   


 Hope everyone had a Happy Easter and you are all rested for a busy end to our fraternal year. We have a number of events coming up requiring everyone's help for an hour or 2, especially at our 3 parish festivals - you can sign up at our meetings. 


THIS weekend, May 4th & 5th, the Council will be collecting at all 3 of our parishes at all of the Masses. Obviously, we need brothers to help at their respective churches and anyone else who can help out at 1 or 2 Masses. For our new members, this annual collection is for "God's Special Children" and all of our proceeds go to disabled children.  Please come out and help. 


This is your last chance to get in any final sales you may have for this year's "Cash Bonanza" drawing at the State Convention.  If you have any stubs and/or money, please bring them to the Officers' meeting on Tuesday night, May 7th. 


On Saturday, May 11th, we will be holding our semi-annual Rosary Rally for Fatima at Noon in the Mayfield Village gazebo.  Everyone is welcome to attend, so spread the word.  We will also have a 4th Degree turnout for this event.  Let's have a great showing.


On Sunday, May 19th, we will be holding our 121st Anniversary Dinner party at Sherwin-Gilmour Hall.  The doors will open at 5:30 with dinner served around 6:30 PM. You should have received your invitation in the mail by now, so you know the reservations are needed by May 13th to GK Shaun White or DGK Tom Wieland. The cost is $25 per person or $16 per child under 12. Again, this event is open to anyone, so bring your family, friends and potential members, as we honor our surprise Knight of the Year and our other honorees.

2019-2020 ELECTIONS 

It is that time again for us to nominate and elect our "fearless leaders" for the coming fraternal year. ANY 3rd Degree member in good standing is eligible to run for any office. This is a good way for our newer members to get involved. We will have nominations at our May 14th & 28th meetings and then final nominations and elections on June 11th. Please plan on attending to vote on the future of your Council.


I am happy to report that we initiated 5 new brother knights into Gilmour at our 1st & 2nd Degree this week. Unfortunately, I do not have all their names yet.  We will be holding another 1st & 2nd Degree on May 21st, so if you have any potential members, get their names in before then.  I will list all of our new members in next month's newsletter.  

We also want to congratulate 3 new Sir Knights who made their 4th Degree exemplification last Saturday. They were SK Tony Bailey, SK Chuck Bonacci and SK Robert Dew. Congratulations again!                                       


Give yourselves a big round of applause for our "Forty Cans for Lent" drive went through the roof this year.  Thanks to Co-Chairmen, Ben Capretta, Bob Dew and Tom Nemeth, pushing everyone for "just 1 more can" we collected over 2500 lbs. of food this year and split it between 4 needy hunger centers.  Great work!! 


Unfortunately, we lost another longtime member this week.  SK Angelo Basconi was a member of Gilmour for 63 years and Moses Cleaveland Assembly for 59 years. He was the longtime insurance agent for the Gilmour Corporation, handling our insurance needs for the hall.  Please keep him and his family in your prayers. 

We know wakes come up on short notice, but it is still our responsibility to try and show our respect and sympathy for our brother knight and his family.  To all of our newer brothers, if you want to be added to the wake call list, please contact GK Shaun White or PGK Jim Steinhoff.  The families really appreciate our taking the time to show up, say prayers and pay our respects.  That is what Fr. McGivney wanted. 


We have 29 brothers celebrating their special days this month, wish them well when you see them. They include: Dominic Biello (#91); Phil Bova (#92); Charles Campanella; Mike Campanelli; Tony D'Angelo; Vince DelPrete; Robert Dew; Giuseppe DiIulio; David DiVita; Ed Dulzer, Jr.; Domenic Fragomeni (#65); Peter Gall; Tony Hallisy; Maurice Helou; Frank Hlad; Kraig Hoffman; Vince Hostoffer; Ed Kander; Mario Kandrach; Robert Kohl (#85); Rev. Pete Kovacina; Don LoPresti; Matt Onorato; Rev. Marty Polito (#70); Rev. Joe Previte; Pete Previte; Bill Schneider; Arch Tunnell and Dr. John Vargo (#60). 

Happy Memorial Day - Honor our Veterans! 

Dr. Carmen J. Centanni, PGK

News Reporter 


 Happy Spring, even though it snowed like crazy yesterday.  You can keep the lawn mower packed up for a little longer.  I hope you receive this AND read it quickly, we have a few time sensitive events coming up.


On Sunday, April 28th, the Chapter will be holding its annual "Nuns' & Ladies' Day Dinner" at the Garfield Hts. Council Hall.  The doors will open at 3:00 PM with dinner at 4:00 PM.  Gilmour used to bring quite a few Nuns and wives to this event, let's try to get back to that. If you have any Nuns and/or ladies that you would like to invite, let GK Shaun White know ASAP to get the reservations in.  The cost is $25.00 each for you and your lady, but the Council will pay for any Nuns.


This Wednesday, April 3rd, radio station The Rock, AM 1260, will be holding its Spring Telethon at the station. Gilmour is planning on manning the phones again this year from 5:00 to 6:00 PM.  If you are interested in helping out, meet at Gilmour hall by 4:00 PM to car pool over to the station.  It is always a lot of fun, especially if we can start a bidding war over donations.


GK White has set the date for our 121st Anniversary dinner party for Sunday, May 19, 2019.  The doors will open about 5:30 PM with dinner around 6:30.  The evening will include hors d'oeuvres, an open bar, music, dinner and dessert.  We will be announcing our surprise Knight of the Year as well as our other honorees for Clergy, Family, Youth and Blue Coat.  Invitations and pricing will be coming out soon, so please mark the date for an evening of food, fellowship and fun.


You should have received your supply of 2019 "Cash Bonanza" tickets.  The first, and MOST important, turn in is next week.  So if you have already sold your tickets, make sure you get the money and stubs to our meeting on April 9th.  If you have not sold them yet, please do so by next week.  You can still sell them until May, but the first turn in gives us the biggest rebate for OUR charitable work. 

We will also be scheduling our "Measure-Up" campaigns at our 3 parishes.  They should be around the last weekend of April or the first weekend in May.  All the money collected goes to "God's Special Children", so be sure to sign up at our meetings.


I am happy to announce we have 4 NEW members, who took their 1st & 2nd Degrees last month at Gilmour.  They include: Dominic Frisina from St. Francis; William Gilbert from St. Clare; Thomas Montagno from St. Paschal and Armand Polsinelli from St. Francis.  Be sure to welcome them all when you see them. Now we only need 9 more new brothers before June 30th for our THIRD Star Council in a row. That's only 3 per month. YOU CAN  DOOOOOOO  IT!!!!!!


As of now, we only have 3 more months to wear the traditional regalia, so show up when you can. This Friday, April 5th, we have the St. Francis confirmation with Bishop Perez. Turnout is at 6:30 PM with Mass at 7:00 PM.

Then on April 19th, we have the Good Friday procession from La Sagrada to St. Michael's, it is always a very meaningful and solemn way to spend Good Friday.

Finally on April 26th & 27th, we will have the 4th Degree exemplification at the Westlake Doubletree Hotel.  Gilmour has several members planning on advancing to the patriotic degree, so come and show your support.


We had 3 girls advance from the Regional finals and qualify for the State finals inColumbus.  They were: Melanie Drazdik, age 9, from Corpus Christi; Katie Puletti, age 13, from St. Francis and Ella Robinson, age 14, from St. Francis. Unfortunately, we have not been notified as to how they did, but we are still very proud of them for making it that far and wish them all the best in the future.


Unfortunately, the inevitable happened and 2-time PGK, Geno O. Manfredi, finally lost his battle with cancer.  He was one of our longest serving brother Sir Knights since he joined in 1949, almost 70 years. We had a great showing of brother knights and Sir Knights to pay their respects at his wake & funeral, including Bro. Jim Malatesta, who just celebrated his 100th birthday. His family appreciated all the support the knights have given Geno through his illness. 

 Another long time knight is in need of your prayers. We were notified by his son, that Bro, Tony Petrarca has taken a turn for the worse.  When he was our fraternal chairman, he made a point of going to visit anyone he could in the hospital or nursing home. Now he and his family need our prayers and support.  He is currently in Altercare, behind Governor's Village in Mayfield.  I stopped by yesterday and he and his son were very thankful.  He is still trying to do whatever he can and he was talking about his time and family in Italy, but he is very fragile. He would enjoy some visits or give his son, Mike, a call at 216-973-3878, to show support.


We have 24 Easter bunny babies this month, wish them well when you see them. They include: Rev. Joe Bacevice; Angelo Basconi (#93); Charles Caputo; Agostino DelZoppo; Mark Delsander; Dominic Demand; Mayor Anthony DiCicco, Jr.; William Gilbert (#75); Tony Grasso; Mike Gritz; John Heisler (#60); Nick Hostoffer; Domenic Immucci (#95); Carl Joyce; Rev. Stan Klasinski; Ed Kurilal Jim LaMarca; Chuck Pona; Jeff Raynor; Joe Rini; Tony Severino; Dan Shaver; Don Smith (#85) and Bob Whiting.  

Wishing everyone a Blessed Easter!

Dr. Carmen J. Centanni, PGK

News Reporter 



Notify Our Fraternal Chairman: Br. Thomas Todt (440) 779-0986


 March, 2019 NEWSLETTER

 Well, March is coming in like a lion, but hopefully Spring is not too far away.  Stay well and come to our meetings and events when you are able (the attendance prize is up to $110). 


We were finally able to finish up this year's "Free Throw" competition in spite of the bad weather. We were able to watch 329 kids compete in 6 age groups at our 3 parish schools. We also had 2 students, Keenan Ryans and Katie Puletti, who shot a perfect 15 for 15.  

Our 12 Council winners (and DISTRICT winners in CAPITALS) included:  

     Age   9 - LUIS BAUTISTA & MELANIE DRAZDIK both from Corpus Christi;  

     Age 10 - KEENAN RYANS & OLIVIA MINELLO both from St. Paschal;

     Age 11 - Andrew Metz & ADRIANA DE CARIS both from St. Paschal;

     Age 12 - Joshua White & ELLIE PARRY both from St. Francis;

     Age 13 - PETER KARIM from St. Paschal & KATIE PULETTI from St. Francis;

     Age 14 - Ethan Boes from St. Paschal & ELLA ROBINSON from St. Francis. 

Congratulations to all of our participants and especially to our District winners moving on to the Regionals on March 3rd.  Good Luck! 

We also want to thank all of our volunteers who spent a total of over 150 man-hours by keeping score, rebounding or organizing to keep things moving smoothly. 

They Included:

GK Shaun White; PGK George Rolfe; PGK Jim & Lady Sharon Steinhoff; PGK Carmen Centanni; PGK Bob Turocy; Tony Bailey; Sam Brancifort; Benny Capretta; Tony Caticchio; Joe Cooney; Domenic Fragomeni; Frank & Kathy Hlad; Bob Hostoffer; Tom Juratovac; Norm Klein; Tom Nemeth; John Plevelich and Tom Todt.  Thanks for all of the help and we will see you next year!.


We want to extend our deepest thanks to Bishop Roger Gries for taking from his limited time to come to our meeting on Feb. 26th to administer God's blessing and anointing with oil on about 19 of our brother knights who are in need of God's prayers & healing.  Bishop Gries has always been a strong supporter of the Knights and we wish him all the best. 

Please keep PGK Geno Manfredi in your prayers, he was too sick to attend the service, but he is in need of God's loving mercy. 


Our "Super Bowl" party on Feb. 3rd was another big success.  We had just about a full house, plenty of great food, sold out our squares & side board, too bad it wasn't a better game. Kudos to our resident chef, Bill Marvaldi, on another great menu for the 2 competing teams.  The "New England" pot roast sliders were a real hit.  If you didn't make it this year, hope to see you next year.                                              


 Due to increased family & work responsibilities, Asst. Warden Joe Kazmer, had to resign his position.  We want to thank Joe for his service and hope he is able to come around as much as possible. 

GK White announced the vacancy and scheduled nominations & elections for the following meeting. We had 2 nominations and Brother Tony Bailey was elected to fill the vacant position of Asst. Warden.  Congratulations Tony, keep up the good work.  

Regular nominations and elections will begin in May for the 2019-2020 fraternal year.


The next Chapter event is coming up on April 28th, the annual Nuns' & Ladies' Day dinner. We are not sure where it will be held yet, but if you know any Nuns or Ladies to invite, now is the time to ask them, as we will need reservations soon.

GK Shaun White is in charge of this event for the Chapter, so contact him for any more information or to make reservations.  


 We only have a few more months to use our traditional regalia before the new uniform takes over, So, break out the regalia for our 2 parish confirmations coming up at St. Clare on March 14th with Bishop Gries at 7 PM Mass and at St. Francis on April 5th with Bishop Perez also at the 7 PM Mass.  

We will also have the St. Patrick's Day parade on Sunday, March 17th with step off at 2 PM, not 1 PM as originally published.  Since it is a Sunday, IT WILL BE CROWDED!!


On March 31st, we will have our next VA Donut & coffee Sunday.  Everyone is welcome to come down and show some support for our veterans.  We set up about 8:30 AM, go to Mass at 9, and if you want to, help serve following the Mass and the Protestant service.  We are usually done by Noon.  The next one will be on June 30th. 


 We have a busy month of birthdays, 38 in all; wish them well when you see them. They include: John Amato; Riley Arnemann; Bruce Ballash; Bob Buemi; Joe Caputo (#92); Hilary Dsouza (#50); Mark Erickson; Louis Gammiere; Dennis Gibbons; Rev. Ralph Hudak; Don Iler (#90);  Steve Kandrach;  Mike Kovacina (#65);  Joe Krainz (#97);  Rev. John Lane; Don La Porta (#101); Pete LeCastre; Chuck Lentini; Mike Lowrey; John Majoros; Jim Malatesta (#100); Lou Marvaldi; John McKeon (#80);  Mike Melite; Tom Murray; PGK Ted Orel (#92); Ray Page (#98); Tony Pivonka;  John Plevelich; Tony Rupcic; Jerry Salerno (#75);  John Selvaggio;  Sam Sparaino (#94);  Tony Tranchita (#94); Dominic Trivison (#92); Tom Vitale; GK Shaun White and PGK Chuck Zicari (#90). 

Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day and a blessed Lent.

Dr. Carmen Centanni, PGK, News Reporter

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Bob Ondak; John Otto; Duane Parsons (#60) and Larry Previte (#92).  Happy Birthday to all 29.

       Also, we at Gilmour Council want to extend our deepest sympathy to Rev. Fathers Joe and John McNulty on the passing of their brother James.  The funeral was held on Friday, Jan. 4th.  Keep their family in your prayers!