Memorial Mass


"Three states of the Church".  

November is the month when the Church Militant (those of us on Earth) ask the Church Triumphant (those in Heaven) to join us in praying for ourselves and the Church Suffering (those souls in Purgatory).  All Saints' Day is celebrated on the 1st of the month; All Souls' Day is commemorated on the 2nd. The document "Lumen gentium" of the Second Vatican Council states,

"When the Lord comes in glory, and all his angels with him, death will be no more and all things will be subject to Him. But at the present time some of his disciples are pilgrims on earth. Others have died and are being purified, while still others are in glory, contemplating ''in full light, God himself triune and one, exactly as he is."

Gilmour Council's Memorial Mass.  Gilmour Council sets aside the 2nd Tuesday in November for a Memoral Mass to honor its deceased brother knights.  For the past several years, Chaplain Reverend James Caddy has celebrated this Mass at the council hall in Mayfield Heights.  Empty chairs are adorned with placards featuring the deceased knights' names.  Those who are Past Grand Knights and Sir Knights are also remembered.  As is customary within the Knights of Columbus when a roll call is taken, those deceased knights are announced as "excused" by the warden (rather than absent). Mass is followed by a brief social with coffee and refreshments. All are welcome.